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Virgo Full Moon | End of March 2022

Pisces, of dreams, of creative waters, of wisdom gained through flow. Loosened grip on what ‘should’ be, allowing oneself to be lost in a whirling pool of ocean water, a sea of particles swirling all around. Pisces, of going inward, of expanding ones vision of what is possible.

The energy of growth and transformation sits just above the surface, working at a much slower, but deeply impactful, pace. Venus currently moves through innovative, but structure building, Aquarius flanked by both Mars and Saturn, meanwhile, Pluto has been creating creeping change in the sign of Capricorn for more than a decade.

The moon moves into discerning Virgo early on the 16th, a place of dutiful structure that allows our dreams to become grounded in something more tangible. A filter that connects us only to the ideas from that swirling cyclone of visions that have enough footing in reality to allow us to proceed with a healthy dose of realism.

The moon in Virgo considers all angles, circling round and round, with a goal of ensuring a thorough understanding of the world around it. However, this cyclical processing of information, of feelings, can cause stuckness, an inability to take that leap forward from a place of clarity. We must lean into the magic of it all, to get out of our own way, leaning into that swirling vortex of inspired thought, judging the ‘possibility’ of it all. Allow yourself to sink into that magic. And then, take that practical step forward with an understanding of the ‘probability’ of it all, letting go of expectation.

We are approaching the astrological New Year at a speedy pace, a time when we can see more clearly and begin to move on the expansive goals we’ve made in this current space.

On the 18th, the moon will quickly leave Virgo after the exact full moon, happening at 27 degrees. Once in Libra, it will trine Mars in Aquarius, and oppose Chiron in Aries. There is a level of importance that feels as if it’s being placed on connecting with others who share a similar vision of the world with us, who want to see our dreams through, and vice versa.

Is there mutual support within your current relationships and community? How can you find balance within your relationship to yourself and that with others? How can you allow your inner light to shine despite what may feel critical and chaotic?

We are all in relationship with creation, when you become coherent, you bring resonance to those around you. -Alec Brogan

It is my desire that you embrace the wild inspiration of this week, and proceed, only, with what feels grounded.

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