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Writer's pictureAnastasia McElhaney

Capricorn Blue Full Moon | July 2024

Updated: Jul 22

This upcoming blue Full Moon happening at 29º of Capricorn has us reflecting back at the last, which occurred at 1º of the same sign on the 21st of June. Of this first decan of Capricorn, titled ‘A headless body’, Austin Coppock says “In order to heal the whole body, we must descend into its full density. We come to inhabit our flesh that we might heal it.” With this in mind, the last Full Moon experienced opposed Venus and Mercury. This opposition brought into awareness a desire to nurture connection within our relationships. The Moon in that first decan of Capricorn considers how those relationships bring forth practical opportunity for growth as we plod ahead.

As we move forward into the now, the Moon will reach its culmination point at 29º of Capricorn where she makes direct contact with Pluto who sits at 0º of Aquarius. This connection may bring with it intense emotions that surface for us to really dig into. There may be a lack of clarity around what it is that we’re experiencing in the depths of it, but as we allow ourselves to surrender into the currents at play, we can look back with more clarity once the intensity has subsided. Neptune sextiling the lunation may lighten the mood through fantasy and daydreaming, while trines to Uranus and Mars have the capacity to bring change and opportunities for leadership, maybe ones we didn’t expect to arise- this is reflected in the hexagram of the Moon at this time, 60.5 leadership through limitation. Knowing that there is a lack of clarity and some sense of surprise, if we push too hard for expansion at this time, we may only meet new limitations along the way. The path through is to find acceptance with the current energies at play. Meeting them where they’re at, working within the boundaries being presented to us.

last light sinking below the mountains in the distance, reflections on the surface of a body of water before them
Evening on Hood River; Summer 2018

As we continue on into next week, the Sun will ingress into the sign of Leo where it will continue to oppose Pluto. While the Sun in opposition to Pluto can often come with power struggles, there is a sextile between the Sun and Mars at this time, offering us the opportunity to make foundational changes in our lives. When we consider the transformational qualities of Pluto, we can see the ways in which the orientation of these three planets offers us exploration of what within us feels authentic and allows for fresh beginnings formed from newly fertile ground. We may be offered opportunities to face past grievances, things within us that have bred disease and distrust, and allow us to make amends, to let go. Mars, as a planet of action, newly in Gemini may bring about unexpected opportunities for leadership where authentic expression offers us a chance to take charge, to set an example, to be a voice of change.

On the 26th Mercury will ingress into Virgo where it will square Mars, newly in Gemini. We may find ourselves overtly critical with our words. It’s a good time to be mindful of our intentions within conversations. Bringing ourselves into the present moment may be helpful when battles of the ego might arise.

The energy of this second half of the month has me reflecting on inner transformation through experiential awareness. Having the ability to watch, as the witness, what energies arise within us, taking action only where it feels correct, but also, noticing in the moment or in hindsight where we might find a swell in the surf that is life. I’ve been enjoying making visual mood boards for the seasons recently, my Leo season board shows a depth and darkness with moments of levity, softness, and play sprinkled throughout.

Sending softness and light through the ebbing of waves.

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