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Full Moon in Capricorn | mid July 2022

Updated: Aug 10, 2022

I took a pause throughout the month of June while I walked through a twelfth house profection month. It was both a challenging time and a needed reset for me. But, now, here I am, coming back to my work with better focus. It is my hope that this might serve you well, enjoy-

The rocky shore somewhere in the Bahamas; film, 2012

The new moon in Cancer asked us to plant our feet securely on the ground as we embarked on fresh, abundant, new journeys. As we approach the culmination of this promised energy, with the full moon in Capricorn happening at 14:37 eastern time on July 13th, we are being asked to sit with our intuition, picking up on new ideas and inspiration that flow forth plentifully now.

The Cancer/Capricorn axis is one of balance, as any of the axis are. This axis, however, looks to find balance between work and care, finding equilibrium in the places we put our energy and effort. The annual full moon in arid Capricorn offers an interesting juxtaposition with the ruler of watery, intuitive, ebbing Cancer sitting opposite its home sign, in a place of detriment, a place where it must actually work to find some semblance of comfort. Despite this unease, the position offers some room for reflection, especially as near to Pluto as this moon phase happens to be. Pluto has been working hard, bringing up extremes and transformational shifts in the sign of Capricorn, on both a collective and an individual scale, since 2008. We are able to pause now and dig deeply into what changes have been showing up for us in this area of our charts over the last decade and a half.

In the opposite sign of Cancer currently, we have the Sun in a blended relationship to Mercury, planet of thought and communication, a place it finds itself running back and forth like the sideways motion of the crab on the sand. Here we may find space to move in and out of moments from our past. All the while, it’s opposition to the moon and soft aspect to, both, Uranus and the North Node brings the structure needed to process whatever information comes up so that we may move forward with direction. There may be a felt desire, now, to find balance between the depth of emotion coming forward and a tendency to intellectualize it. So much of Cancer energy, however, is about going with the flow, finding security in trusting our inner knowing, our intuition.

Saturn still squares the Nodes, but finds itself in a kind aspect to Venus, in fellow air sign Gemini. A place where we may be able to tap into creativity so as to step outside of the box with our actions. We must remember that any planet that squares the nodes is a place where we may find ourselves going back and forth, feeling stuck in unpleasant patterns. It is a place we must bring awareness to in order to find some freedom from behaviors and thoughts that hold us back. Allow Venus to offer expansion through new ideas and grander visions that may find themselves flowing through your mind.

There is potential for much mental energy now, but consider leaning into the energy of Cancer. Where is it that we find ourselves gripping too tightly? Allow yourself to embody the crab, find yourself in flow with where ever the current may ask you to go, be it deep into the mind, allowing emotion to come up and find release, or something more tangible that has been preventing us from connecting with a vision that feels authentic to our being. The moon will be beside the fixed star Dheneb at the time of the full moon, bringing an energy of command and success. Allow that energy to wash over you.

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