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Below you can find a selection of offerings I provide. For any questions, please use my contact form found at the bottom of the page.

To book, you can find my schedule HERE.



Astrological Natal Consult

125 usd

In this hour long consultation, we cover some basic information about your sun, moon, and rising. We also look at the patterns that stand out about your individual chart. I will additionally take into consideration what transits and planets are being highlighted for you at this particular moment in your life.


Mini Inquiry Session

75 usd

In this 30-45 minnute session, I welcome you to pull some answers from me. What this session looks like is dependent on what inquiries you bring me. Can be Human Design or astrology related.


Meal Planning | Prep Consultation

Starting at 125 usd


I offer personalized meal planning and prepping, taking into consideration you and your family’s personal needs and desires. A consultation will be required to get to the foundation of what this looks like and how often you’d like to have meals prepared, and if you would like any additional services such as grocery shopping and fridge organization. In the case that you are not local, or if you just want some inspiration on your food journey, I also offer this service with a personalized recipe book that will be sent to you after putting together the information we cover in your consultation. Total pricing will vary as this service is a la carte.


In this consultation we will go over your likes and dislikes, any allergies, intolerances, or sensitivities, health goals and concerns, we can discuss medications and protocols you may be working with already so as to avoid any contraindications and support where the medications may be leeching key nutrients. I also take note of some key information based on your Human Design and astrology charts, and will share what key foods and any additional suggestions I see come forward within those charts.


Commissioned or Intuitive Art

50 usd // for specialty sizing price will be subject to change


Please use the contact form below to reach out about any art commissions or intuited pieces.

Some examples of things I've made in the past:

-Natal Portraits

-Intuited Tarot Love Note Cards

-Standard Portriats

-Post Cards (willing to offer a pack of three for 75 usd)


Samples shown below-


Astrological Timing Consult

150 usd

In this consultation I will look at various timing techniques in order to offer some insight into the coming chapter of the native's life. It is intended for someone who already has a base understanding of their natal chart. I deliniate based on the chart of the moment, but also in consideration of the natal chart to ensure it is brought back home to the native. This reading will reflect themes that may show up for you over the course of the coming period, and what you can do to best work with it's energy.


Human Design Introduction

125 usd

In this hour long conversational consultation, we will look at the basic structure of your unique design. We will go over type, authority, profile, and the general vibe of your body graph. We may touch on where you may get stuck, where you already embody your design, and how you can make small changes to connect further to your authentic self.


The Projector's Prayer

5 usd per month // 50 usd per year


The Projector's Prayer is a Discord server I created in summer of 2021 to support my own needs while I was moving through grief that had continuously surfaced through my process of deconditioning. Since it's inception, it has been a safe space for expression and sharing, creativity, dreams, endeavors. It has been a space of connecting and supporting others who understand the pain of living in a world not suited for us, as projectors.

Early on, it was free to join, however, over time, I have seen the imense impact it has for individuals to have the safe space to express themselves, however that looks. I feel incredibly protective over it, and desire to safeguard it so that those within can continue to feel safe to express themselves freely, and in order to add that extra layer of security, I have decided to offer it for a small monthly fee. I desire to keep costs low as I, a fellow projector, understand the burn out and chronic illness that can flare up while we attempt to live our lives like a saral being.
In order to join, please contact me using the form below.

Natal Portrait
Tarot Love Note
Tarot Love Note
Comissioned Work

Contact Me

To book my services or for any questions you have, you can reach me here:

Anastasia Morrison

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© 2022 by Luminous Unraveling.

Read More on our Terms of Service.
Portraits by Brittany Nicol Fabry | 
All other images by Luminous Unraveling.

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