We complete the month of April with a New Moon partial solar eclipse in the sign of Taurus. Taurus, a season in the northern hemisphere that reflects its fixed-earth stability in spring. We are no longer calling in that new energy of the start of a season, or preparing for a shift into the next. The Sun offers more consistent presence as the days grow warmer, heating the little world around us. The breeze is still cool as it flits across our skin, now ever more bare as we begin to shed layers of clothing in the hot afternoon Sun.

The early blooming, cold-hardy flowers begin to fade away, almost melting off of the green shrubbery that once supported them. The dogwood trees begin to look barren of their abundant white and candy-floss pink blooms. Instead, the sunny-yellow of dandelions (stretching their heads to the knee,) buttercups, and yarrow line the roads, and speckle the forever-green fields with tiny, bright dots. The, now, flower-bare trees deepen in hue as the leaves mature. In place of the azalea bushes, with solid walls of color, the rhododendron shine, showing off their tufts of color, like polka dots of brilliant purple, white, and magenta. Even the roses have offered us an early gift, showing off their rosy faces in the afternoon light.
The abundance of natural beauty in this moment allows reflection as we approach the eclipse on the 30th. While eclipses can have some negative association, this one, in particular, occurs in a sign of life and luxurious sensuality, a place in which the Moon is exalted. It is a place ruled by Venus, a planet currently transiting it’s own sign of exaltation, Pisces, in which it will be meeting it’s fellow benefic, domiciled Jupiter, at a near exact degree, just off by a single minute. This eclipse, the fates shine upon us, offering us some gift should we be open to receive it.
Additionally, the eclipse occurs near Uranus, planet of electric chaos. As we move into May, this time between eclipses is best utilized as a time of flow, rather than force. Eclipses can be deeply destabilizing in the area they occur in the chart, leave room for what surprises may await you. Saturn still squared the nodes at this time, a reminder to bring awareness to the areas in which we feel stuck. Some may feel a need for retracing steps causing dizziness, pacing, retracting, combing, spinning. Allow for flow, blossoming, electric inspiration. This can be a beautiful time when we make material the habits we have been desiring to build. With Uranus so close, prepare for the unpreparable, expect the unexpected. We may, naturally, find ourselves raking over old ground, seeking answers where none exist. This is a time for continued stillness and connection to self, allowing inspiration to flow to us.
Many blessings to you all this season.