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Writer's pictureAnastasia McElhaney

Food as a Meditation on the Slow Beauty of the Season

Updated: May 2

This past few weeks, I've felt the energy of Taurus showing up quietly in my every day. The energy of this Venus ruled earth sign has come through slow progress, slow acomplishments within my home. Alongside ample rest, I've watched as I've sprinkled some productive housework and projects into my lounging periods. The housework has been easy to get through knowing that it results in the beautification of my space. It's a bit humorous to watch this way of being unfold in my life, though I know it's influenced by the transits for the time being and will shift again come Gemini season in a couple of weeks.

A collection of found items. A small rock, a basil leaf, a sprig of thyme, a mint leaf, a tiny cherry tomato, a single sage leaf, a still mostly white strawberry.
A spring time gift, collected items; May 2020

For the past few months I've been working with a client doing meal preparation once a week with a focus on, not only helping her with something she needs and cannot do herself, but also the quality of food and tailoring her meals to meet her unique needs based on her design and astrology chart. The charts have confirmed much of the symptoms and struggles we've chatted about with regard to her health, and it's been interesting to see my intuitive nature being affirmed on a weekly basis as I prepare her meals, changing them how I feel would best suit her as we work toward regained autonomy and better health. This weekly process has revived a creativity in the kitchen for me and I've been enjoying finding creative ways to change recurrent menu items in order to keep the food interesting and diverse as we work with a limited number of foods since my client has several dietary restrictions and contraindication considerations. The sign of Taurus is beautifully captured through the senses, and food truly allows us to fully and deeply experience each sense. As we move through this second decan of this slow and sesual earth sign before reaching the true summer months, consider how you can savor more light, fresh, juicy fare in your day to day. Truly feel into every aspect of your food. Make your meal beautiful to bear witness to. Deeply inhale and experience it through your olfactory receptors. Listen for the unique sounds that come with cooking or biting into the food. Feel the sticky wetness of juices dripping down your chin or fingers. Taste the different components of your dish- the tartness, the saltiness, the warmth of fats like olive oil. Something I'm learning as I witness the effect of the work I do with my client is that our senses are a large piece of being able to thoroughly nourish ourselves. For her, taste is of utmost importance. If something doesn't taste good it has no value to her system. For me, feeling into the energy of the food is important, this feels like a vague discription but it encompasses how I best experience meals.

Let us be encouraged for the remainder of this Taurean season to slow down and listen to our bodies, really enjoying the experience of eating. Food is nourishing, food is healing, food is joyful, food is sexy, food brings us closer to others, a gps for love and nurturing. Have a little dance in the kitchen as you make slow, joyful work of dinner. Sending you off with love, happy Taurus new moon to you all.

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