The new moon, exact early Friday morning, in Aries will take place in the second decan of Aries, a place ruled by the sun. A place associated with the constellation Eridanus, or ‘the river,’ a title it’s held since ancient times. Eridanus, named after the Greek river god who was often associated with the Euphrates, Tigris, and the Nile, places known for their fertile shores. This decan offers dynamism, innovation, ambition. It is a space of creativity and initiation. Our minds already swirling with new dreams, ideas, inspiration fresh from this last full moon, more aware of what possibilities are truly palpable. Within the symbol of the river, a beautiful metaphor for the flow we must allow, still, as this new season buds while we still face much water energy within the chart.
Aries is a sign of pure expression of self, however, Aries’ ruler, Mars, sits close to Saturn at this time. The typical energy and zest of this sign will feel some restriction. In addition, Saturn will sit solemnly at a square to the nodes until August. When a planet squares the nodes, it can often feel like a place in which we take a huge step backwards. Instead, we are being offered a magnifying glass, a place to focus our awareness toward in order to grow beyond the old patterns and karmic cycles in our lives.
This feeling of restraint is emphasized by Chiron’s current conjunction to this new moon, a comet known as ‘the wounded healer,’ named after the Centaur of Greek myth. Chiron is a place of sensitivity, a knot we must unwind. Transiting through Aries, Chiron highlights a place where we may have faced some trauma around our identity and sense of worth. It’s presence with this new moon brings attention to a place we may need to tend to within ourselves. It’s time to cut through the obstacles and step forward with confidence.
This month, we are completing a cycle, allowing ourselves to let go of what ideas we’ve carried around who we are, or what we’re capable of, that have held us back. We are being prepared for a sacred rebirth on this new moon, the first moon of this astrological year before the first eclipse of the season. This holy mixture of fire and water, let it consume you, allow you to be made new and ready for whatever the world is preparing to offer you.