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Human Design | The Projector Type

Writer: Anastasia McElhaneyAnastasia McElhaney

Updated: May 3, 2024

A main area of study for me over the last several years has been a system called Human Design. The founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu, has described this system as the science of differentiation. Its main focus is to help us to build awareness, to be our truest selves, and, most importantly, to develop a sense of what is correct for us as our internal authority is more accurate than anything outside of us could ever offer so long as we can truly build enough awareness to bear witness to it. Within the Human Design system there are five types. These five types are the Generator, Manifesting Generator, Projector, Manifestor, and the Reflector. The first of these that I'll be covering here is the Projector. A Projector bodygraph is one that has no sacral definition and no motor to throat definition. I'll include a few charts here as examples of Projector charts-

The Projector makes up roughly 20% of the population. Unlike the Generator and Manifesting Generator, the Projector is part of a group called the ‘non-sacral’ types. This means that the Projector does not have a consistent source of sacral, or life force, energy. The Projector has the largest variety of authorities, or unique decision-making processes, compared to the other types.

The Projector is here to help guide the energy of the sacral types, and is unable to see into the Manifestor or Reflector in the same way. The Projector is also here to see the other, and primarily learns about itself with a process of seeing itself through the other. Because, often, the Projector has more openness, or areas you see in white within the body graph, it is easily conditioned. In fact, it is here to be conditioned. This is part of its function within the system. In order for the projector to be conditioned in a healthy manner, it must be living correctly through following its strategy and authority.

A woman aproaches from a hilltop.
October 2020; 35mm film

In the world that we currently live in, most of us will need to move through a process of deconditioning before we can truly live as ourselves. This process of deconditioning, especially for the projector, can take a full seven years, and is something we may never fully finish partaking in. A key method of moving through this deconditioning process, especially  early on in the process, is allowing yourself to be in your own space often. This can even look like sleeping alone, a time when we are most susceptible to taking on the energy of others. Allowing ourselves to lean into rest is another key! As a non-sacral type, rest is integral, and many non-sacral types can burn themselves out over time without allowing for adequate rest.

Projectors have the signature of success, and a not-self theme of bitterness. Success comes from a sense of recognition. Recognition can be felt when the other recognizes that something within us that is unique to each of us. Though we may all feel a level of importance placed on feeling seen or recognized regardless of type, for the projetor this sensation is deeply felt in a way that cannot ever be fully experienced by any of the other types, just as a projector will never feel the deep satisfaction that comes to a sacral being after using up their energy for something they had a correct response for. For a projector, one of the most important skills they can begin to build is how to keep good energetic hygiene. The projector gaze, their attention is everything, and their bodies truly absorb so much from the world around them. If they are allowing themselves to take in things that only breed bitterness, bitterness is what they'll have. If they can curate their life to the things that open them up, they will cultivate more of that. There is no need to get mad at someone for not regnizing them, but have the awareness to move forward and find the places and people that feel in alignment instead, that make the projector feel seen and accepted as it is. That is how they draw in more of what they wish to see manifest in their life. That is where the magic, where the flow begins. For projectors, mastering systems is a key component of being recognized and finding a sense of success. For many, a system may be hard to distinguish, and for people with a profile with a three or six in it, they may find many systems to learn. The key is finding the one that feels correct for you. A system can look like any number of things- cooking, gardening, herbalism, computer programming, financial analysis, psychology, etc. We must also be mindful that we may not always mentally know what it is that we're here to master, especially in the case of the second line profile, a profile that cannot always see itself clearly. I've often recomended that projectors allow themselves to witness where their energy desires to flow. It may shift day to day or month to month, but the process of mastery is a slow one and will be on its own time table. Feel into the systems you find yourself drawn to, where you desire to spend time actually studying, there is where you will find mastery over time. Our mind may interfere and say that we should be recognized for this or that, but where is the passion, where is the ease, where is the flow?

The projector is here to be seen, recognized for their unique gifts and abilities. It is through the mastery of systems that the projector can be invited into opportunities, though there are other, nuanced pieces to this puzzle that are necessary for correct invitations to arise. Waiting to be invited is the ‘strategy’ of the projector. The strategy is one of two important things each and every one of us must take into consideration as we move through this world. For the projector, waiting for the invitation is specific to any decisions that involve another human such as entering relationships, friendships or otherwise, jobs, and other major life changes that will involve another person. The projector doesn’t require an invitation for simple things like eating, deciding what to wear, and other similar decisions made on a day to day basis. At times the projector may wait through long periods without an invitation, which may feel like a place of stagnancy or discomfort. Over time you may find that waiting becomes easier, or that you find more trust in the waiting process. A friend recently joked that the Human Design System should have been called the 'Design of Waiting System' as ALL types must learn how to wait in some form, something we as a society have abandoned during this period, called The Cross of Planning.

Sunlight falling on a mountain ridge.
October 2020; 35mm film

With any invitation, the projector must weigh out whether it is a correct invitation through, first, acknowledging a sense of recognition within it, and second, through their authority, which we will go over in a later section. The invitation is paramount for correctness of the projector. As shared above, the projector aura is penetrative, and can be found intrusive if not recognized or invited by the other. Because of this penetrative aura, projectors may feel a sense of rejection if not invited into an interaction or relationship, causing that not-self theme of bitterness, something that isn't negative, though it may feel heavy and dark, but is a useful signpost for when something is not correct for us.

All in all, getting really good at understanding what a correct invitation is, and feeling into that recognition is such a monumentally important aspect of following the strategy of the projector. I often stress how important learning to say ‘no’ is for the projector. It truly becomes a magic word. The less time we spend doing things that do not feel fulfilling, that do not offer us a sense of recognition, that do not make us feel seen, the more time we have available for the opportunities and invitations that do. The projector taking on opportunities that are not fueled by recognition may create extremely harmful environments and conditioning, but they may also, generally, face bitterness more often, and in turn, less invitations overall. A discerning and selective projector is a happy and successful projector, though it may take some time to see this transformation occur.


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